More Information About Reptiles
Viper Snakes
Family ViperidaeThe prairie rattlesnake is the only representative of the Family Viperidae in Alberta. As a member of the Subfamily Crotalinae (or Pit Vipers), the prairie rattlesnake has specialized heat-sensing organs located within a pit on each side of its head between its eye and nostril. Other characteristics include a broad triangular head and slender neck, vertical pupils and rattle or button on the end of its tail; traits not found in other Alberta snakes.

photo: ACA, Kris Kendell
Crotalus viridis
Water or Pond and Box Turtles
Family EmydidaeThe western painted turtle is the only native representative of the Family Emydidae in Alberta. Any sighting should be studied carefully to ensure it is not a red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta), a non-native turtle. Red-eared sliders look similar to painted turtles in form and size but have a prominent broad reddish stripe behind each eye.

photo: ACA, Kris Kendell
Chrysemys picta
Spiny Lizards
Family PhrynosomatidaeThe mountain (greater) short-horned lizard is the only representative of the Family Phrynosomatidae in Alberta. They are flat, oval-shaped lizards covered in sharp projecting scales, especially on the head and along each side of the body.

photo: ACA, Kris Kendell
Phrynosoma hernandesi
Colubrid Snakes
Family ColubridaeColubrid snakes in our area are difficult to characterize as they vary in form and size—generally they are moderately slender or heavy-bodied with a head that is only slightly wider than the neck.

photo: Gerald Romanchuk
Heterodon nasicus

photo: Gerald Romanchuk
Pituophis catenifer

photo: Kyle J. Welsh
Coluber constrictor

photo: ACA, Kris Kendell
Thamnophis elegans

photo: ACA, Kris Kendell
Thamnophis radix

photo: ACA, Kris Kendell
Thamnophis sirtalis