Nesting waterfowl, songbirds, moose, mule deer, and small furbearers make the Side Family Conservation Site their home. Located 16 km west of Grande Prairie, the site is adjacent to a Federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary and a trumpeter swan breeding ground at Saskatoon Lake.
Historically, approximately 81 acres of the 248-acre site was cleared for agricultural development and is currently being managed as a hayfield. Historical air photos show that the property located within the County of Grande Prairie has remained in the same stable condition for over 30 years because of careful agricultural operations. The remaining habitat on the site is deciduous forest and shrubland (various willow species and dogwood)—home to a variety of wildlife.
The Side family’s generous donation made the securement of this site possible. Landowners are an essential part of habitat conservation in Alberta and gifting land to Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) ensures that the habitat remains intact and managed so that it can be enjoyed by wildlife and recreational users for generations to come.