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A Bibliography of Research Emanating from ACA Grants in Biodiversity Funded Projects

Compilation of this bibliography is a recent project; if you are aware of any papers emanating from projects that the ACA Grants in Biodiversity contributed to, please contact the Administrator. Recipients of ACA Grants in Biodiversity are in bold print:


Dennett JM, Gould AJ, Macdonald SE, Nielsen SE. 2018. Investigating detection success: lessons from trials using decoy rare plants. Plant Ecology. 219(5): 577-589.


Pec GJ, Karst J, Taylor DL, Cigan PW, Erbilgin N, Cooke JEK, Simard SW, Cahill JF. 2017. Change in soil fungal community structure driven by a decline in ectomycorrhizal fungi following a mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak. New Phytologist 213(2): 864-873.


Hunt A. 2016.Habitat use of Canada Warblers in an extensively managed forest landscape / Utilisation de l’habitat de la paruline du Canada dans un paysage forestier sous aménagement extensive. Picoides(29)1: 3-6.
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Hupperts SF, Karst J, Pritsch K, Landhäusser SM. 2017. Host phenology and potential saprotrophism of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the boreal forest. Functional Ecology. 31(1): 116-126.

Loewen CJG, Vinebrooke RD. 2016. Regional diversity reverses the negative impacts of an alien predator on local species-poor communities. Ecology 97(10): 2740-2749.
A lay summary of this work is also found on the Canadian Mountain Network.


Catalano S, Lejeune M, Tizzani P, Verocai GG, Schwantje H, Nelson C, Duignan PJ. 2015. Helminths of grizzly and black bears in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology.

Catalano S, Lejeune M, van Paridon B, Pagan CA, Wasmuth JD, Tizzani P, Duignan PJ, Nadler SA. 2015. Morphological variability and molecular identification of Uncinaria spp. (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae) from grizzly and black bears: new species or phenotypic plasticity? Journal of Parasitology. 101(2): 182-192.

Higuera-Díaz M, Manson, JS, Hall JC. 2015. Pollination biology of Cleomella serrulata and Polanisia dodecandra in a protected natural prairie in southern Alberta, Canada. Botany 93(11): 745-757. doi: 10.1139/cjb-2015-0084.

Karst J, Erbilgin N, Pec GJ, Cigan PW, Najar A, Simard SW, Cahill JF, Jr. 2015. Ectomycorrhizal fungi mediate indirect effects of a bark beetle outbreak on secondary chemistry and establishment of pine seedlings. New Phytologist 208(3): 904-914.


Browne CL, Paszkowski CA. 2014. The influence of habitat compostion, season and gender on habitat selection by Western Toads (Anaxyrus boreas). In Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 9(2):417–427.

Catalano S, Lejeune M, Verocai GG, Duignan PJ. 2014. First report of Taenia arctos (Cestoda: Taeniidae) from grizzly (Ursus arctos horribilis) and black bears (Ursus americanus) in North America. Parasitology International. 63(2): 389-391.

Morris MRJ, Richard R, Leder EH, Barrett RDH, Aubin-Horth N, Rogers SM. 2014. Gene expression plasticity evolves in response to colonization of freshwater lakes in threespine stickleback. Molecular Ecology. 23(13): 3226–3240. doi: 10.1111/mec.12820

Sawaya MA, Kalinowski ST, Clevenger AP. 2014. Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281(1780): 20131705.


Clare EL, Symondson WO, Broders H, Fabianek F, Fraser EE, MacKenzie A, ... and Reimer JP. 2014. The diet of Myotis lucifugus across Canada: assessing foraging quality and diet variability. Molecular Ecology. 23(15): 3618-3632. Abstract

Dennenmoser S, Nolte AW, Vamosi SM, Rogers SM. 2013. Conservation genetics of prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) at the periphery of its distribution range in Peace River, Canada. Conservation Genetics. DOI 10.1007/s10592-013-0465-z

Forde T, De Buck J, Elkin B, Kutz S, van der Meer F, Orsel K. 2013. Contrasting results of culture-dependent and molecular analyses of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from wood bison. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 79(14): 4448–4454.
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Morris MRJ, Rogers SM. 2013. Overcoming maladaptive plasticity through plastic compensation. Current Zoology(formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica). 59(4): 526-536.

Sawaya MA, Clevenger AP, Kalinowski ST. 2013. Demographic connectivity for Ursid populations at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. Conservation Biology. 27: 721–730. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12075


Columbian ground squirrel on cover of Molecular Ecology ResourcesGorrell JC, Boutin S, Raveh S, Neuhaus, P, Côté, S. D. and Coltman DW. 2012. Sexing the Sciuridae: a simple and accurate set of molecular methods to determine sex in tree squirrels, ground squirrels and marmots. Molecular Ecology Resources. 12: 806–809.

Kutz, SJ, Ducrocq J, Verocai GG, Hoar BM, Colwell DD, Beckmen KB, Polley L, Elkin BT, Hoberg EP. 2012. Parasites in Arctic ungulates of North America and Greenland: A view of contemporary diversity, ecology and impact in a world under changes. Advances in Parasitology. 79: 99–252.

Martin AM, Presseault-Gauvin H, Festa-Bianchet M, Pelletier F. 2012. Age-dependent effect of testosterone on social rank in bighorn rams (Ovis canadensis). Poster session presented at: Evolution Ottawa, 1st Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology; Ottawa, Canada.

Miller JM, Poissant J, Hogg JT, Coltman DW. 2012. Genomic consequences of genetic rescue in an insular population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Molecular Ecology. 21: 1583-1596. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05427.x

Nyanumba SM, Cahill Jr. JF. 2012. Effect of aboveground litter on belowground plant interactions in a native Rough Fescue grassland. Basic and Applied Ecology. 13(7): 615-622.

Poissant J, Davis CS, Malenfant RM, Hogg JT, Coltman DW. 2012. QTL mapping for sexually dimorphic fitness-related traits in wild bighorn sheep. Heredity. 108: 256-263.

Sawaya MA, Stetz JB, Clevenger AP, Gibeau ML, Kalinowski ST. 2012. Estimating grizzly and black bear population abundance and trend in Banff National Park using noninvasive genetic sampling. PLoS ONE 7(5): e34777. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034777. Full Text

Wilson MJ and Bayley SE. 2012. Use of single versus multiple biotic communities as indicators of biological integrity in northern prairie wetlands. Ecological Indicators. 20(September 2012): 187-195. Abstract


Miller JM, Poissant J, Kijas JW, the International Sheep Genomics Consortium, and Coltman DW. 2011. A genome wide set of SNPs detects population substructure and long range linkage disequilibrium in wild sheep. Molecular Ecology Resources. 11: 314-322. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02918.x

Newton JS, Glasier J, Maw HEL, Proctor HC, Foottit RG. 2011. Ants and subterranean Sternorrhyncha in a native grassland in east-central Alberta, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist. 143: 518523.

Raveh S, Heg D, Viblanc VA, Coltman DW, Gorrell JC, Dobson FS, Balmer A, Neuhaus P. 2011. Male reproductive tactics to increase paternity in the polygynandrous Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65:695–706.

Raveh S, Heg D, Dobson FS, Coltman DW, Gorrell JC, Balmer A, Röösli S, Neuhaus P. 2011. No experimental effects of parasite load on male mating behaviour and reproductive success. Animal Behaviour. 82:673-682. Abstract

Shafer ABA, Côté, SD, Coltman DW. 2011. Hot spots of genetic diversity descended from multiple Pleistocene refugia in an alpine ungulate. Evolution. 65(1): 125–138.


Browne CL, Paszkowski CA. 2010. Factors affecting the timing of movements to hibernation sites by Western Toads (Anaxyrus boreas). In Herpetologica. 66(3): 250–258.

Browne CL, Paszkowski CA. 2010. Hibernation sites of Western Toads (Anaxyrus boreas): Characterization and management implications. In Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 5(1):49-63.

Poissant J, Hogg JT, Davis CS, Miller JM, Maddox JF, Coltman DW, 2010. Genetic linkage map of a wild genome: genomic structure, recombination and sexual dimorphism in bighorn sheep. BMC Genomics. 11: 524.

Columbian ground squirrel on cover of Behavioral EcologyRaveh S, Heg D, Dobson FS, Coltman DW, Gorrell JC, Balmer A, Neuhaus P. 2010. Mating order and reproductive success in male Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus). Behavioral Ecology. 21: 537-547.


Hebblewhite M, Munro RH, Merrill EH. 2009. Trophic consequences of postfire logging in a wolf-ungulate system. Forest Ecology and Management. 257(3): 1053-1062.

Kardynal KJ, Hobson KA, Van Wilgenburg SL, Morissette JL. 2009. Moving riparian management guidelines towards a natural disturbance model: An example using boreal riparian and shoreline forest bird communities. Forest Ecology and Management. 257 (1); 54-65.

Mainguy J, Côté SD, Coltman DW. 2009. Multilocus heterozygosity, parental relatedness and individual fitness components in a wild mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus population. Molecular Ecology. 18: 2297–2306.

Mountain goat on cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society BMainguy J, Côté SD, Festa-Bianchet M, Coltman DW. 2009. Father-offspring phenotypic correlations suggest intralocus sexual conflict for a fitness-linked trait in a wild sexually dimorphic mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 276(1675): 4067-4075.

Pelletier F, Mainguy J, Côté SD. 2009. Rut-induced hypophagia in male bighorn sheep and mountain goats: Foraging under time budget constraints. Ethology. 115: 141–151.

Poissant J, Shafer ABA, Davis CS, Mainguy J, Hogg JT, Côté SD, Coltman DW. 2009. Genome-wide cross-amplification of domestic sheep microsatellites in bighorn sheep and mountain goats. Molecular Ecology Resources. 9(4): 1121-1126.

Williams BW, Gelder SR, Proctor H. 2009. Distribution and first reports of Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata) on crayfish in the prairie provinces of Canada. Western North American Naturalist 69(1).


Divino J, Tonn W. 2008. Importance of nest and paternal characteristics for hatching success in fathead minnow. Copeia 2008 (4): 920-930.

Poissant J, Wilson AJ, Festa-Bianchet M, Hogg JT, Coltman DW. 2008. Quantitative genetics and sex-specific selection on sexually dimorphic traits in bighorn sheep. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 275: 623-628.


Divino J, Tonn W. 2007. Effects of reproductive timing and hatch date on fathead minnow recruitment. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16 (2): 165-176.


St. Clair CC, Bélisle M, Desrochers A, and Hannon S. 1998. Winter responses of forest birds to habitat corridors and gaps. Conservation Ecology [online] 2(2): 13