Canadian Cattle Association
The Canadian Cattle Association is a major partner in the MULTISAR – South Saskatchewan project, which was initiated as a direct result of the positive feedback and desire of landholders for ACA to expand the project beyond the original Milk River basin area in southern Alberta. The project fosters mutually beneficial relationships with the agriculture community to increase, improve, and maintain habitat for grassland species, including many species at risk. Work includes habitat assessments as well as vegetation, wildlife, and fish surveys to assess range and riparian health. This information is then evaluated according to the needs of species at risk as well as the needs of the ranching operation. Five-year (extendable) voluntary Habitat Conservation Strategies are then created in consultation with the landowner that identify beneficial management practices and habitat improvements that encourage sustainable ranching operations. This work has involved the installation of various structures such as offsite watering systems, fencing, and nesting poles to both protect and enhance sensitive habitats.
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