Advertising and Marketing

Advertising is key to achieving a number of long-term goals within the Strategic Business Plan, primarily to increase public recognition of ACA’s brand; to increase conservation awareness by creating positive profiles of hunting, fishing, and trapping; and to develop corporate partnerships. Project or event promotional advertising engages various audience targets and supports ACA’s public brand recognition. 2022-2023 was the 25th Anniversary of ACA and this was incorporated into all media including outdoor billboards. Our “It’s an Alberta Thing” campaign is an ongoing approach for strengthening relationships with existing hunting and angling stakeholders and establishing new ones adhering to our retention and recruitment and reactivation marketing strategy. This is significant for keeping conservation valued within today’s changing priorities and diverse populations.

Advertising supports several ACA programs, projects, and events that include our 25th anniversary, Report A Poacher, ACA’s Fish Stocking project, Taber Pheasant Festival, ACA’s Wildlife Cameras project, ABHuntLog, aeration thin ice warnings, the Corporate Partners in Conservation Program, grazing tenders, and the Kids Can Catch project.



Annual Summaries

Title Year Category
Advertising and Marketing 2019-2020 4
Advertising and Marketing 2020-2021 4
Advertising and Marketing 2021-2022 4
Advertising and Marketing 2022-2023 4