Fish Stocking Evaluation     

Evaluation of our Fish Stocking Project suggests that poor water quality (high temperatures and low dissolved oxygen) and avian predation at some of our ponds may limit their ability to support stocked trout throughout the summer months. In 2022/23, we estimated summer angler use was 185 hours/ha at Shell True North Pond, 375 hours/ha at County Sportsplex, and 611 hours/ha at Lacombe Park Pond, indicating that these ponds are receiving low to moderate angler use. We used a citizen science approach to collect angler catch and trip length data at Lacombe Park Pond and found in-person data reported more fish per hour (1.40 fish per hour) and fewer zero catches than online reported data (0.24 fish per hour). Further evaluation of citizen science data collection is required to evaluate the discrepancy between in-person and angler submitted data. Mirror Reservoir and Windsor Lake both experience avian predation, typically peaking in spring. To mitigate this, we stocked additional trout in the fall of 2021 creating late‑season angling opportunities. We evaluated these opportunities by estimating angler use from fall to end of March. We found angler use to be very low at 1 and 2 hours/ha at Windsor Lake and Mirror Reservoir, respectively. All brown trout captured at Mirror Reservoir were from spring 2023 stocking, indicating fish stocked in the fall did not overwinter. Similarly, overwintering appears to be poor in Windsor Lake as very few 2022 fall-stocked fish were captured in the spring of 2023.


City of St. Albert, Government of Alberta

Annual Summaries

Title Year Category
Enhanced Fish Stocking Evaluation 2016-2017 1
ACA Fish Stocking Evaluation 2017-2018 1
ACA Fish Stocking Project Evaluation 2018-2019 1
ACA Fish Stocking Evaluation 2019-2020 1
ACA Fish Stocking Evaluation 2020-2021 1
Fish Stocking Evaluation 2021-2022 1
Fish Stocking Evaluation 2022-2023 1
Fish Stocking Evaluation 2023-2024 1