Owl River Fish Habitat Protection

In partnership with Syncrude, Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) is monitoring fish community and aquatic habitat on the Owl River from 2020 to 2045 related to riparian habitat restoration and anticipated improvement of the fish habitat. Fish community in the Owl River system consisted of five species: walleye, white suckers, yellow perch, northern pike, and burbot. Walleye was the most encountered species along the Owl River. Overall, walleye, yellow perch, and white suckers exhibited good condition (K>1.0). Dominant substrate was large gravel in the most upstream site and transitioned to sand, then fines further downstream. Instream fish cover was mostly provided by turbid waters and aquatic vegetation. Fish community composition and aquatic habitat information from this year supports previous monitoring on riparian habitat and water quality and will be used as a baseline for monitoring potential outcomes of restoration and livestock exclusion fencing zones along the river. Our work is done with the support of Syncrude, County of Lac La Biche, Government of Alberta, and the many landowners and leaseholders throughout the Owl River system.


Cooperating landowners and leaseholders, County of Lac La Biche, Government of Alberta, Syncrude Canada Ltd.

Annual Summaries

Title Year Category
Owl River Fish Habitat Protection 2021-2022 1
Owl River Fish Habitat Protection 2022-2023 1