Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat.

We have a long-term working relationship with a modern farm to evaluate approaches for re-establishing vibrant upland game bird densities while maintaining a profitable farming operation. We also monitor a range of non-target species to assess how these treatments impact biodiversity (amphibians and birds). We trial enhancements that focus on improving habitat features important for nesting, brood rearing, and winter survival of ring-necked pheasants and grey partridge. This includes approaches within the crop, the juxtaposition of crop types and rotation, harvest method, field edge improvements, water management and wetlands, and trialling seed mixes important for chick survival. In 2022, we completed a vegetation inventory of the plant species present at the Enchant farm. We planted Roundup Ready Corn to provide escape and thermal cover for pheasants, but also to help control unwanted weeds. We assisted farm staff with planting 0.5 km of additional shrub rows (500 shrubs) to increase territorial space for pheasants and grey partridge at the farm. We planted approximately 1,000 willow stakes along a decommissioned canal bed.

The density of partridge pairs decreased from 70 pairs (11.8 pairs/km2) in spring 2021 to 53 pairs (8.9 pairs/km2) in spring 2022, our lowest count to date. However, our autumn counts were very promising and the highest since 2018 at 391 individuals. We trialled two different soft-release methods, releasing a total of 500 pheasants at the farm.


Government of Alberta, Haggins Family, Stamp Farms

Annual Summaries

Title Year Category
Demonstration Farm Project – Enchant Farm Upland Restoration 2014-2015 2
Demonstration Farm Project - Enchant Farm Upland 2015-2016 2
Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat. 2016-2017 2
Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat. 2017-2018 2
Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat 2018-2019 2
Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat. 2019-2020 2
Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat. 2020-2021 2
Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat 2021-2022 2
Enchant Project – Strong Farmlands. Thriving Habitat 2022-2023 2