Lake Monitoring Program: Lesser Slave Lake Stock Assessment 2003
Greg Fortier, John Tchir
The NW Boreal Lake Monitoring Program began in 1999–2000. The objective of the program is to provide pertinent trend data for various water bodies and fish species in order to augment regional population monitoring programs. Data collection techniques have been standardized to allow for comparisons to be made between different lakes, over time, providing accurate, current information to fisheries managers to base their decisions on.
In order to successfully manage local fisheries, it is essential to monitor sport-fish populations. This can be accomplished through repeated sampling to determine temporal changes in population structure attributed to management strategies and environmental effects. Angler surveys provide information on harvest, effort, and abundance of sport-fish species. The coupling of angler surveys with test-netting which assesses abundance and other population parameters will allow us to gauge effectives of the test netting to provide an index measure of abundance. The results of this project will provide fisheries managers with current fisheries information and allow us to improve our current monitoring strategies to benefit fisheries management.