Lesser Slave Lake Walleye Spawning Assessment April – June, 1997
Brian Lucko and Glenn Todd
In the spring of 1997, the Alberta Conservation Association conducted a study to confirm the presence of spawning walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in six tributaries and at four shoreline areas within Lesser Slave Lake in northern Alberta. The six tributaries were the Swan River, Driftpile River, Marten River, Assineau River, Strawberry Creek and Mission Creek. The four shoreline areas include Joussard townsite, Giroux Bay (Faust townsite), Spruce Point Park, and mouth of the Driftpile River. Walleye were captured by electrofishing (primary method) and in some instances, gill netting. When spawning walleye were located, the site was revisited and kick sampling conducted to collect walleye eggs. Thirty kick sampling sites were established during this survey. Electrofishing produced 138 spawning walleye in the lower section of Strawberry Creek. The Driftpile River and Assineau River produced 7 walleye and 1 walleye respectively. No walleye were found in the Swan River and Marten River. A genetic test indicated that walleye eggs were found in Strawberry Creek and at 3 shoreline sites within Lesser Slave Lake: 1) Joussard, 2) Giroux (Faust) Bay, and 3) Spruce Point Park.