Northern Pike and Walleye Sport Fisheries at Winagami and Snipe Lakes, Alberta, 2010
Emily Turton and Brendan Ganton
High fishing pressure, coupled with slow-growing and late-maturing populations, have resulted in the over-harvest of many of Alberta’s sport fish populations, especially walleye (Sander vitreus) and northern pike (Esox lucius). To generate the information required for effective management of these species we conducted creel surveys on Winagami and Snipe lakes during the summer of 2010.
Based on 1,585 angler interviews, fishing pressure at Winagami Lake was 1.63 h/ha (95% CI=1.39-1.87). Total estimated yield of northern pike was 2,598.33 kg (95% CI=2,195.82-3,057.78), or 0.57 kg/ha (95% CI=0.48-0.67). The northern pike population had a relatively wide length distribution, ranging from 244 to 830 mm fork length (FL) (n=196) with the majority of fish between 450 to 650 mm FL. Mean (±SE) lengths were 607.3 ± 6.0 mm (n=119) for sport harvest fish and 512 ± 7 mm FL (n=77) for test-angled fish. Overall age ranged from 1 to 11 y with the population consisting largely of 2 to 6 y fish. Mean ages were 5.1 ± 0.1 y (n=115) and 3.4 ± 0.2 y (n=75) sport harvest and testangled fish, respectively. Growth estimates indicate it would take approximately 4 to 5 years for northern pike in Winagami Lake to reach the 515 mm FL (550 mm total length, TL) harvestable size and 5 to 6 years to reach the 593 mm FL (630 mm TL) Alberta Northern Pike Management and Recovery Plan standard size. Due to the low catch rates, we were unable to describe the Winagami Lake walleye population.
Based on 872 angler interviews, fishing pressure at Snipe Lake was 4.43 h/ha (95% CI=3.55-5.50). Total estimated yield of northern pike was 6,174.29 kg (95% CI=4,996.48- 7,594.98), or 0.1.47 kg/ha (95% CI=1.19-1.80). The northern pike population had a relatively wide length distribution, ranging from 362 to 1,050 mm FL (n=222) with 500 mm FL the most abundant size range. Mean lengths were 676.2 ± 12.2 mm (n=86) for sport harvest fish and 519 ± 8 mm FL (n=136) for test-angled fish. Overall age ranged from 2 to 9 y, and the population was dominated by age 3 fish. Mean ages were 5.6 ± 0.2 y (n=84) and 3.1 ± 0.1 y (n=129) for sport harvest and test-angled fish, respectively.
Growth estimates indicate it would take approximately 4 to 5 years for northern pike in Snipe Lake to reach the 515 mm FL (550 mm TL) harvestable size and 5 to 6 years to reach the 593 mm FL (630 mm TL) Alberta Northern Pike Management and Recovery Plan standard size. Due to the low catch rate, we were unable to describe the Snipe Lake walleye population.