We are Conservation
Since 1997, Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) has encouraged all Albertans to enjoy the outdoors. Conserving the fish, wildlife and habitat resources we enjoy makes Alberta the beautiful and balanced place it is. Conservation is about keeping our connections to the past, getting outdoors now, and most of all—shaping our quality of life as we take on tomorrow.
Get out there. Fish one of our many stocked lakes, hunt game, pick berries or mushrooms (eat only the edible ones!), birdwatch, take pictures of the things you see, skip rocks in the lake, or snowshoe through the forest. In Alberta, your options are nearly endless.
We are Science
We want to make sure it stays that way. ACA biologists study the wildlife, fish and plants that live in our province and figure out ways to help them flourish (or not, in the case of invasive weeds). At any given time, our biologists can be found checking trail cams for wolverines or grizzly bears, measuring the oxygen levels in our lakes, securing vast tracts of precious habitat or celebrating over the confirmation of Alberta’s first yellow-bellied racer hibernaculum (it’s a type of non-venomous snakes’ den).
We are Education
A big part of what we’ve done is share what we learn about fish, wildlife and habitat with the general public. Whether it's a magazine article written about invasive species, a Facebook post talking about the differences between hunting and poaching, a local Kids Can Catch event or clicking through this website, we think it's important that you know all we've discovered. We want to find more and more ways to keep the public involved in conservation.
Our information comes from large, multi-year studies (often partnering with other groups or universities). ACA also offers three different grants. Albertans have great ideas and with the means to do so, can research new ways to conserve and enhance Alberta’s wildlife, fish and natural habitats. To date we’ve awarded over 16.7 million dollars.
We are Inclusive
At Alberta Conservation Association we recognize that many Albertans, regardless of gender, race, religion, culture, or beliefs, are interested in conserving, protecting, and enhancing fish and wildlife populations and their habitats.
We undertake programs and operations that equitably confer the benefits of conservation to all Albertans. We will continue to look for opportunities to expand the enjoyment of these benefits into underrepresented communities, whenever possible.
ACA will continually strive to lead with values and beliefs that participation in hunting, fishing, and nature-based recreation, should be inclusive of all Albertans.
Our Vision
An Alberta with an abundance and diversity of wildlife, fish and their habitats; where future generations continue to use, enjoy and value our rich outdoor heritage.
Our Mission
ACA conserves, protects and enhances fish and wildlife populations and their habitats for Albertans to enjoy, value, and use.