Peer Reviewed Publications 

Every year, Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) provides grants and supports Alberta-based research that focuses on increasing our knowledge of fish, wildlife and biodiversity. We have hundreds of peer reviewed publications, starting from 1999 to the present. 


Atmeh, K., Bonenfant, C., Gaillard, JM. et al. 2024. Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores. Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Day, C.C., Landguth, E.L., Sawaya, M.A. et al. 2024. Genetic connectivity of wolverines in western North America. Sci Rep 14, 28248.

Burkholder, E. N., A. F. Jakes, P. F. Jones, M. Hebblewhite, and C. J. Bishop. 2018. To jump or not to jump: mule deer and white-tailed deer fence crossing decisions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42:420-429.

Tack, J. D., Jakes, A. F., Jones, P. F., Hebblewhite, M., Naugle, D. E., Doherty, K. E., Sather, M. K., Martin, B. H., & Pritchert, R. (2023). Grassland intactness outcompetes species as a more efficient surrogate in conservation design. Conservation Science and Practice, e13020.

Boczulak H., N.P. Boucher, A. Ladle, M.S. Boyce, J.T. Fisher. 2023. Industrial development alters wolf spatial distribution mediated by prey availability. Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.10224

Peters, S.H., L. Engley, A. Rezansoff, D.R.C. Prescott, and P.F. Jones. 2023. The effectiveness and cost efficiency of different predator exclosure designs to increase piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nest success and fledging rate in Alberta, Canada. Conservation Science and Practice 2023;5:e12909. doi:


Landry-DeBoer, J. P. N., P.F. Jones, B.A. Downey, P.K. Rose, K. Taylor, M.S. Verhage, A.M. MacDonald, and A.J. Moltzahn. 2023. Diversity in selection patterns of five grassland songbirds in dry-mixed grasslands of Alberta. Avian Conservation and Ecology 18(1):16.

Wilkinson, C.E., P.F. Jones, and A.F. Jakes. 2023. Editorial: Disentangling the complexity of fence effects on wildlife and ecosystems. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4:937203. doi:

Eacker, D.R., A.F. Jakes, and P.F. Jones. 2023. Spatiotemporal risk factors predict landscape-scale survivorship for a northern ungulate. Ecosphere 14(2):e4341.

Lee, T.S., N.L. Kahal, H.L. Kinas, L.A. Randall, T.M. Baker, V.A. Carney, K. Kendell, K. Sanderson, and D. Duke. 2021. Advancing Amphibian Conservation through Citizen Science in Urban Municipalities. Diversity 13(5):211.

Lee, T.S., P.F. Jones, A.F. Jakes, M. Jensen, K. Sanderson, and D. Duke. 2023. Where to invest in road mitigation? A comparison of multiscale wildlife data to inform roadway prioritization. Journal for Nature Conservation 71(2023) 126327.

Trump T., K. Knopff, A. Morehouse, and M.S. Boyce. 2022. Sustainable elk harvests in Alberta with increasing predator populations. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0269407.

Foca J.M. and M.S. Boyce. 2022. Bison and elk spatiotemporal interactions in Elk Island National Park. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3:937203. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2022.937203.

MacDonald, A.M., P.F. Jones, J.A. Hanlon, B.H. Martin, and A.F. Jakes. 2022. How did the deer cross the fence: An evaluation of wildlife-friendlier fence modifications to facilitate deer movement. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3:991765. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2022.991765.

Jakes AF, DeCesare NJ, Jones PF, Gates CC, Story SJ, Olimb SK, et al. (2020) Multi-scale habitat assessment of pronghorn migration routes. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0241042.

Lee, TS, Creech, TG, Martinson, A, et al. Prioritizing human safety and multispecies connectivity across a regional road network. Conservation Science and Practice. 2020;e327.

Arteaga-Torres, Josue David; Wijmenga, Jan J.; Mathot, Kimberley J. (2020): Supplementary material from "Visual cues of predation risk outweigh acoustic cues: a field experiment in black-capped chickadees". The Royal Society. Collection.

Jeremiah E. Banfield, Simone Ciuti, Charlene C. Nielsen, Mark S. Boyce, Cougar roadside habitat selection: Incorporating topography and traffic, Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 23, 2020, e01186, ISSN 2351-9894,

Matthew A. Scrafford, Barry R. Nobert, Mark S. Boyce, Beaver (Castor canadensis) use of borrow pits in an industrial landscape in northwestern Alberta, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 269, 2020, 110800, ISSN 0301-4797,

Jones, P.F., Jakes, A.F., Eacker, D.R. and Hebblewhite, M. (2020), Annual Pronghorn Survival of a Partially Migratory Population. Jour. Wild. Mgmt.. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21886

Amanda MacDonald, Samuel F. Bartels, S. Ellen Macdonald, Karine E. Pigeon, Doug MacNearney, Laura Finnegan, Wildlife forage cover and composition on pipeline corridors in Alberta: Implications for wildlife conservation, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 468, 2020, 118189, ISSN 0378-1127,

Jones, P.F., Jakes, A.F., MacDonald, A.M., Hanlon, J.A., Eacker, D.R., Martin, B.H. and Hebblewhite, M. (2020), Evaluating Responses by Sympatric Ungulates to Fence Modifications Across the Northern Great Plains. Wildl. Soc. Bull.. doi:10.1002/wsb.1067

Jones, P. F., Jakes, A. F., Eacker, D. R., Seward, B. C., Hebblewhite, M. and Martin, B. H. (2018), Evaluating responses by pronghorn to fence modifications across the Northern Great Plains. Wildl. Soc. Bull.. . doi:10.1002/wsb.869

Joly, K., E. Gurarie, M. S. Sorum, P. Kaczensky, M. D. Cameron, A. F. Jakes, B. L. Borg, D. Nandintsetseg, J. G. C. Hopcraft, B. Buuveibaatar, P. F. Jones, T. Mueller, C. Walzer, K. A. Olson, J. C. Payne, A. Yadamsuren and M. Hebblewhite. 2019. Longest terrestrial migrations and movements around the world. Scientific Reports 9: 1-10. Article 15333. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-51884-5. 

Matthew A. Scrafford, Tal Avgar, Bill Abercrombie, Jesse Tigner, Mark S. Boyce, Wolverine habitat selection in response to anthropogenic disturbance in the western Canadian boreal forest, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 395, 2017, Pages 27-36, ISSN 0378-1127,

Webb, S. M., Anderson, R. B., Manzer, D. L., Abercrombie, B. , Bildson, B. , Scrafford, M. A. and Boyce, M. S. (2016), Distribution of female wolverines relative to snow cover, Alberta, Canada. Jour. Wild. Mgmt., 80: 1461-1470. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21137


Webb, S. M., Anderson, R. B., Jokinen, M. E., Abercrombie, B. , Bildson, B. and Manzer, D. L. (2019), Incorporating local ecological knowledge to explore wolverine distribution in alberta, canada. Wildl. Soc. Bull., 43: 414-424. doi:10.1002/wsb.1005

Jokinen, Michael & Webb, Shevenell & Anderson, Robert. (2019). Characteristics of Wolverine (Gulo gulo) dens in the lowland boreal forest of north-central Alberta. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. 133. 1. 10.22621/cfn.v133i1.2083. 

Avgar, T., S. R. Lele, J. L. Keim, and M. S. Boyce. 2017. Relative Selection Strength: Quantifying effect size in habitat- and step-selection inference. Ecology and Evolution 2017;00:1-9. 

Wilson, M. J., and S. E. Bayley. 2012. Use of single versus multiple biotic communities as indicators of biological integrity in northern prairie wetlands. Ecological Indicators 20:187-195.
Wilson, G.A., T.L. Fulton, K. Kendell, G. Scrimgeour, C.A. Paszkowski, and D.W. Coltman. 2008. Genetic diversity and structure in Canadian northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) populations:
implications for reintroduction programs. NRC Research Press Website  at 86:863-874.
Wilson, G.A., T. L. Fulton, K. Kendell, D. M. Schock, C. A. Paszkowski, and D. W. Coltman. 2008. Genetic Evidence for Single Season Polygyny in the Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens). Herpetological Review 39(1): 46-50.
Williams, B. W., S. R. Gelder, and H. Proctor. 2009. Distribution and first reports of Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata) on crayfish in the prairie provinces of Canada. Western North American Naturalist 69(1): 119-124.
Webb, S. M., D. J. Davidson, and M. S. Boyce. 2008. Trapper Attitudes and Industrial Development on
Registered Traplines in West-Central Alberta. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(2): 115-126.
Shafer ABA, Côté, SD, Coltman DW. 2011. Hot spots of genetic diversity descended from multiple Pleistocene refugia in an alpine ungulate. Evolution 65(1):125–138.
Schwab, C, B. Cristescu, J.M. Northrup, G.B. Stenhouse, and M. Ganzle. 2011. Diet and Environment Shape Fecal Bacterial Microbiota Composition and Enteric Pathogen Load of Grizzly Bears. Plos One 6(12): e27905.
Sawaya, M. A., S. T. Kalinowski, and A. P. Clevenger. 2014. Genetic connectivity for two bear species at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281(1780); DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1705.
Sawaya, M. A., J. B. Stetz, A. P. Clevenger, M. L. Gibeau, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2012. Estimating grizzly and black bear population abundance and trend in Banff National Park using noninvasive genetic sampling. PLoS ONE 7(5): e34777. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0034777.
Sawaya, M. A., A. P. Clevenger, and S. T. Kalinowski. 2013. Demographic connectivity for Ursid populations at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park. Conservation Biology 27(4):721–730. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12075
Raveh, S., D. Heg, V. A. Viblanc, D. W. Coltman, J. C. Gorrell, F. S. Dobson, A. Balmer, and P. Neuhaus. 2011. Male reproductive tactics to increase paternity in the polygynandrous Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65:695–706.
Raveh, S., D. Heg, F. S. Dobson, D. W. Coltman, J. C. Gorrell, A. Balmer, and P. Neuhaus. 2010. Mating order and reproductive success in male Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus). Behavioral Ecology 21(3):537-547.
Raveh, S, D. Heg, F. S. Dobson, D. W. Coltman, J. C. Gorrell, A. Balmer, S. Röösli, and P. Neuhaus. 2011. No experimental effects of parasite load on male mating behaviour and reproductive success. Animal Behaviour. 82(4):673-682.
Randall, L., K. Kendell, P. Govindarajulu, B. Houston, P. Ohanjanian, and A. Moehrenschlager. 2016. Re-introduction of the northern leopard frog in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada in Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2016. Case-studies from around the globe 45-50.
Poissant, J., J. T. Hogg, C. S. Davis, J. M. Miller, J. F. Maddox, D. W. Coltman, 2010. Genetic linkage map of a wild genome: genomic structure, recombination and sexual dimorphism in bighorn sheep. BMC Genomics 11: 524.
Poissant, J., C. S. Davis, R. M. Malenfant, J. T. Hogg, and D. W. Coltman. 2012. QTL mapping for sexually dimorphic fitness-related traits in wild bighorn sheep. Heredity 108(3):256-263.
Poissant J., A. J. Wilson, M. Festa-Bianchet, J. T. Hogg, and D. W. Coltman. 2008. Quantitative genetics and sex-specific selection on sexually dimorphic traits in bighorn sheep. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275: 623-628.
Peters, W., M. Hebblewhite, K. G. Smith, S. M. Webb, N. Webb, M. Russell, C. Stambaugh, and R. B. Anderson. 2014. Contrasting Aerial Moose Population Estimation Methods and Evaluating Sightability in West-Central Alberta, Canada. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(3): 639-649.
Pelletier, F., J. Mainguy, and S. D. Côté. 2009. Rut-induced hypophagia in male bighorn sheep and mountain goats: Foraging under time budget constraints. Ethology 115(2):141–151.
Patterson, W. F., and M. G. Sullivan. 2013. Testing and Refining the Assumptions of Put-and-Take Rainbow Trout Fisheries in Alberta. Routledge Informa Ltd; Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18:340-354.
Olson, D. H. 2003. Herpetological Conservation in Northwestern North America. Northwestern Naturalist 90:61-96.
Nyanumba, S. M., and J. F. Jr. Cahill. 2012. Effect of aboveground litter on belowground plant interactions in a native Rough Fescue grassland. Basic and Applied Ecology 13(7): 615-622.

Nelson, B., M. Hebblewhite, V. Ezenwa, T. Shury, E.H. Merrill, P.C. Paquet, F. Schmiegelow, D. Seip, G. Skinner, N. Webb. 2012. Prevalence of antibodies to canine parvovirus and distemper virus in wolves in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48: 68-76. 

Morris, M. R. J., R. Richard, E. H. Leder, R. D. H. Barrett, N. Aubin-Horth, and S. M. Rogers. 2014. Gene expression plasticity evolves in response to colonization of freshwater lakes in threespine stickleback. Molecular Ecology 23(13): 3226–3240. DOI: 10.1111/mec.12820
Morris, M. R. J., and S. M. Rogers. 2013. Overcoming maladaptive plasticity through plastic compensation. Current Zoology (formerly Acta Zoologica Sinica) 59(4):526-536.
Miller, J. M., J. Poissant, J. W. Kijas, the International Sheep Genomics Consortium, and D. W. Coltman. 2011. A genome wide set of SNPs detects population substructure and long range linkage disequilibrium in wild sheep. Molecular Ecology Resources 11(2):314-322. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02918.x
Miller, J. M., J. Poissant, J. T. Hogg, and D. W. Coltman. 2012. Genomic consequences of genetic rescue in an insular population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Molecular Ecology 21(7):1583-1596. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05427.x
Manzer, D. L., and S. J. Hannon. 2008. Survival of sharp-tailed grouse Tympanuchus phasianellus chicks and hens in a fragmented prairie landscape. Wildlife Biology 14:16-25. 
Mainguy, J., S. D. Côté, M. Festa-Bianchet, D. W. Coltman. 2009. Father-offspring phenotypic correlations suggest intralocus sexual conflict for a fitness-linked trait in a wild sexually dimorphic mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276(1675): 4067-4075.
Mainguy, J., S. D. Côté, and D. W. Coltman. 2009. Multilocus heterozygosity, parental relatedness and individual fitness components in a wild mountain goat, Oreamnos americanus population. Molecular Ecology 18(10): 2297–2306. 
Lambert, J. D., and S. J. Hannon. 2000. Short-Term Effects of Timber Harvest on Abundance, Territory Characteristics, and Pairing Success of Ovenbirds in Riparian Buffer Strips. The Auk 117(3): 687-698.
Kuzyk, G. W. 2001. Female and Calf Moose Remain Stationary and Non-Aggressive when Approached by Wolves in West-Central Alberta. Alberta Naturalist 31(4): 53-54. 
Kutz, S. J., J. Ducrocq, G. G. Verocai, B. M. Hoar, D. D. Colwell, K. B. Beckmen, L. Polley, B. T. Elkin, and E. P. Hoberg. 2012. Parasites in Arctic ungulates of North America and Greenland: A view of contemporary diversity, ecology and impact in a world under changes. Advances in Parasitology 79: 99–252.
Knopff, K. H., A. D. Knopff, and M. S. Boyce. 2010. Scavenging Makes Cougars Susceptible to Snaring at Wolf Bait Stations. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(4): 644-653.
Kardynal, K. J., K. A. Hobson, S. L. Van Wilgenburg, and J. L. Morissette. 2009. Moving riparian management guidelines towards a natural disturbance model: An example using boreal riparian and shoreline forest bird communities. Forest Ecology and Management 257(1): 54-65.
Jones, P. F., R. Penniket, L. Fent, J. Nicholson, and B. Adams. 2005. Silver Sagebrush Community Associations in Southeastern Alberta, Canada. Rangeland Ecol Manage 58:400–405.
Jones, P. F., M. Grue, M. Suitor, D. J. Bender, C. Gates, D. Eslinger, and J. Landry-Deboer. 2015. Variability in the Selection Patterns of Pronghorn: Are they Really Native Prairie Obligates? The Prairie Naturalist 47:94–109.
Jones, P. F., B. Seward, J. L. Baker, B. A. Downey. 2015. Predation Attempt by a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) on a Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) in Southeastern Alberta, Canada. Canadian Wildlife Biology & Management 4(1): 67-71.
Jones, P. F. 2014. Scarred for life: the other side of the fence debate. Human-Wildlife Interactions 8(1):150–154.
Jokinen, M. E., P. F. Jones, and D. Dorge. 2008. Evaluating Survival and Demography of a Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Population. Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 16:138-159.
Jokinen, M. E., M. S. Verhage, R. Anderson, and D. Manzer. Observational Description of Alpine Ungulate Use at Mineral Licks in Southwest Alberta, Canada. Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 19:42-63.
Hebblewhite, M., R. H. Munro, and E. H. Merrill. 2009. Trophic consequences of postfire logging in a wolf-ungulate system. Forest Ecology and Management 257(3): 1053-1062.
Hannah, K. C., and J. S. Hoyt. 2004. Northern Hawk Owls and Recent Burns: Does Burn Age Matter? The Condor 106(2): 420-423.
Gorrell, J. C., S. Boutin, S. Raveh, P. Neuhaus, S. D. Côté, and D. W. Coltman. 2012. Sexing the Sciuridae: a simple and accurate set of molecular methods to determine sex in tree squirrels, ground squirrels and marmots. Molecular Ecology Resources 12:806–809.
Gates, C. C., P. Jones, M. Suitor, A. Jakes, M. S. Boyce, K. Kunkel, and K. Wilson. 2012. The Influence of Land Use and Fences on Habitat effectiveness, Movement and Distribution of Pronghorn in the Grasslands of North America. Fencing for Conservation: Restriction of Evolutionary Potential or a Riposte to Threatening Processes? 277-294.
Found, R., and C. C. St. Clair. 2016. Behavioural syndromes predict loss of migration in wild elk. Animal Behaviour 115:35-46.
Forde, T., J. De Buck, B. Elkin, S. Kutz, F. van der Meer, and K. Orsel. 2013. Contrasting results of culture-dependent and molecular analyses of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from wood bison. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79(14): 4448–4454.
Downey, B. A., F. Blouin, J. D. Richman, B. L. Downey, and P. F. Jones. 2013. Restoring Mixed Grass Prairie in Southeastern Alberta, Canada. Society for Range Management Rangelands 35(3): 16-20.
Divino, J. N., and W. M. Tonn. 2008. Importance of nest and paternal characteristics for hatching success in fathead minnow. Copeia (4): 920-930.
Divino, J. N., and W. M. Tonn. 2007. Effects of reproductive timing and hatch date on fathead minnow recruitment. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16(2): 165-176.
Dennenmoser, S., A. W. Nolte, S. M. Vamosi, and S. M. Rogers. 2013. Conservation genetics of prickly sculpin (Cottus asper) at the periphery of its distribution range in Peace River, Canada. Conservation Genetics 14:735. DOI 10.1007/s10592-013-0465-z
Cristescu, B., G. B. Stenhouse, and M. S. Boyce. 2014. Grizzly bear ungulate consumption and the relevance of prey size to caching and meat sharing. Animal Behaviour 92:133-142.
Cristescu, B., and M.S. Boyce. 2013. Focusing Ecological Research for Conservation. Ambio 42(7): 805-815.
Clare, E. L., W. O. C. Symondson, H. Broders, F. Fabianek, E. E. Fraser, A. MacKenzie, A. Boughen, R. Hamilton, C. K. R. Willis, F. Martinez-Nunez, A. K. Menzies, K. J. O. Norquay, M. Brigham, J. Poissant, J. Rintoul, R. M. R. Barclay and J. P. Reimer. 2014. The diet of Myotis lucifugus across Canada: assessing foraging quality and diet variability. Molecular Ecology 23(15): 3618-3632.
Catalano, S., M. Lejeune, P. Tizzani, G. G. Verocai, H. Schwantje, C. Nelson, and P. J. Duignan. 2015. Helminths of grizzly and black bears in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 93(10):765-772.
Catalano, S., M. Lejeune, G. G. Verocai, and P. J. Duignan. 2014. First report of Taenia arctos (Cestoda: Taeniidae) from grizzly (Ursus arctos horribilis) and black bears (Ursus americanus) in North America. Parasitology International 63(2): 389-391.
Catalano, S., M. Lejeune, B. van Paridon, C. A. Pagan, J. D. Wasmuth, P. Tizzani, P. J. Duignan, and S. A. Nadler. 2015. Morphological variability and molecular identification of Uncinaria spp. (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae) from grizzly and black bears: new species or phenotypic plasticity? Journal of Parasitology 101(2): 182-192.
Carpenter, J., C. Aldridge, M. S. Boyce. 2010. Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection During
Winter in Alberta. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(8): 1806-1814.
Bush, K. L., C.L. Aldridge, J.E. Carpenter, C.A. Paszkowski, M. S. Boyce, and D.W. Coltman. 2010. Birds of a feather do not always lek together: genetic diversity and kinship structure of grater sage-grouse (centrocercus urophasianus) in Alberta. The Auk 127(2): 343-353. 
Boyce, M. S., P. W. J. Baxter, H. P. Possingham. 2012. Managing moose harvests by the seat of your pants. Theoretical Population Biology 82:340-347.
Booker, B. K. 2016. Developing and Assessing an Environmental DNA Protocol for Detecting Amphibian Species in Lentic Systems in Alberta, Canada. Thesis submitted for Master of Science in Ecology at the University of Alberta. pp. 106.
Ausband, D., and A. Moehrenschlager. 2009. Long-range juvenile dispersal and its implication for conservation of reintroduced swift fox Vulpes velox populations in the USA and Canada. Oryx 43(1): 73-77.
Aldridge, C.L., and M.S. Boyce. 2008. Accounting for fitness: Combining survival and selection when assessing wildlife-habitat relationships. Isreal Journal of Ecology & Evolution 54:389-419.
Aldridge, C. L., S. J. Oyler-McCance, and R. M. Brigham. 2001. Occurrence of Greater Sage-grouse x Sharp-tailed Grouse Hybrids in Alberta. The Condor 103: 657-660.
Aldridge, C. L., M. S. Boyce, and R. K. Baydack. 2004. Adaptive management of prairie grouse: how do we get there? Wildlife Society Bulletin 32(1):92-103.
Aldridge, C. L., and R. M. Brigham. 2003. Distribution, Abundance, and Status of the Greater Sage-Grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 117(1): 25–34.
Aldridge, C. L., and R. M. Brigham. 2001. Nesting and Reproductive Activities of Greater Sage-Grouse in a Declining Northern Fringe Population. The Condor 103(3): 537-543. 
Adama, D., and K. Kendell. 2004. Rearing Rana pipiens for Conservation: Two Approaches to Captive Rearing. Proceedings of the Species at Risk 2004 Pathways to Recovery Conference. 
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 2007. Status of the Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Developent, wildlife Status Report No. 63, Edmont, AB. 22 pp. 
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 2005. Status of the western blue flag (Iris missouriensis) in Alberta: update 2005. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Wildlife Status Report No. 21 (Update 2005). Edmonton, AB. 28 pp.

Jones, P. F., A. F. Jakes, A. C. Telander, H. Sawyer, B. H. Martin, and M. Hebblewhite. 2019. Fences reduce habitat for a partially migratory ungulate in the Northern Sagebrush Steppe. Ecosphere 10(7):e02782. 10.1002/ecs2.2782

Burkholder, Emily N., "To Jump or not to Jump: Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Crossing Decisions" (2016). Undergraduate Theses and Professional Papers. 104.

F. Jakes, Andrew & Cormack Gates, C & J. Decesare, Nicholas & Jones, Paul & F. Goldberg, Joshua & E. Kunkel, Kyran & Hebblewhite, Mark. (2016). Classifying the migration behaviors of pronghorn on their northern range. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 10.1002/jwmg.21485. 

Matthew A Scrafford, Mark S Boyce; Temporal patterns of wolverine (Gulo gulo luscus) foraging in the boreal forest, Journal of Mammalogy, , gyy030,

Thurfjell H., Ciuti S., and M. S. Boyce. 2017. Learning from the mistakes of others: How female elk (Cervus elaphus) adjust behaviour with age to avoid hunters. PLoS ONE,  12  (6) , art. no. e0178082.

Matthew A Scrafford, Tal Avgar, Rick Heeres, Mark S Boyce; Roads elicit negative movement and habitat-selection responses by wolverines (Gulo gulo luscus), Behavioral Ecology, , arx182,

Ladle A, Steenweg R, Shepherd B, Boyce MS (2018) The role of human outdoor recreation in shaping patterns of grizzly bear-black bear co-occurrence. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0191730.

Morehouse, A.T., Tigner, J. & Boyce, M.S. Environmental Management (2018). Coexistence with Large Carnivores Supported by a Predator-Compensation Program

Morehouse, A. T, and M. S. Boyce. 2017. Evaluation of intercept feeding to reduce livestock depredation by grizzly bears. Ursus 28(1): 66-80.

Paton, D. G, S. Ciuti, M. Quinn, and M. S. Boyce. 2017. Hunting exacerbates the response to human disturbance in large herbivores while migrating through a road network. Ecosphere 8(6):e01841.10.1002/ecn2.1841

Ladle, A., T. Avgar, M. Wheatley, and M. S. Boyce. 2017. Predictive modelling of ecological patterns along linear-feature networks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8(3): 329-338. 

Nobert, B. E. H. Merrill, M. Pybus, T. Bollinger, and Y. T. Hwang. 2016. Landscape connectivity predicts chronic wasting disease risk in Canada. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 1450-1459. 

McInenly, L.E., E.H. Merrill, J.F. Cahill, and N.G. Juma 2010. Festuca campestris alters root morphology and growth in response to simulated grazing and nitrogen form. Functional Ecology 24: 283-292. 

Van Moorter B., D.R. Visscher, C.L. Jerde, J.L. Frair and E.H. Merrill. 2010. Identifying movement states from location data using cluster analysis. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 588-594. 

Robinson, B.G., M. Hebblewhite, E.H. Merrill. 2010. Are migrant and resident elk (Cervus elaphus) exposed to similar forage and predation risk on their sympatric winter range? Oecologica 164: 265-275. 

Cullingham, C.I., S.M. Nakada, E.H. Merrill, T.K. Bollinger, M.J. Pybus, and D.W. Coltman. 2011. Multiscale population genetic analysis of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) in western Canada sheds new light on the spread of chronic wasting disease. Canadian Journal Zoology 89: 134-147. 

Cullingham C.I., E.H. Merrill, M. Pybus, Bollinger, TK., G.D., Wilson, D.W. Coltman. 2011. Broad and fine-scale genetic analysis of white-tailed deer populations: estimating the relative risk of chronic wasting disease spread. Evolutionary Applications 4: 116-131. 

Habib, T. J., E. H. Merrill, M. J. Pybus, and D. W. Coltman. 2011. Modelling landscape effects on density-contact rate relationships of deer in eastern Alberta: implications for chronic wasting disease. Ecological Modelling 222: 2722-2732. 

Webb, N. F., J.A. Allen and E. H. Merrill. 2011. Demography of a harvested wolf population in west-central Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal Zoology 89: 744-752. 

McPhee, H.M., N.F. Webb, E.H. Merrill. 2012. Time-to-kill: measuring attack rates in a heterogeneous landscape with multiple prey types. Oikos 121: 711-720. 

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Muhly, T. B., M. Alexander, M. S. Boyce, R. Creasey, M. Hebblewhite, D. Paton, J. A. Pitt, and M. Musiani. 2010. Differential risk effects of wolves on wild versus domestic prey have consequences for conservation. Oikos 119: 1243-1254.
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Killeen, J., H. Thurfjell, S. Ciuti, D. Paton, M. Musiani, and M. S. Boyce. 2014. Habitat selection during ungulate dispersal and exploratory movement at broad and fine scale with implications for conservation management. Movement Ecology 2:15.
Kauffman, M. J., N. Varley, D. W. Smith, D. R. Stahler, D. R. MacNulty, and M. S. Boyce. 2007. Landscape heterogeneity shapes predation in a newly restored predator–prey system. Ecology Letters 10:690-700.
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Boyce, M. S., J. Pitt, J. M. Northrup, A. T. Morehouse, K. H. Knopff, B. Cristescu, and G. B. Stenhouse. 2010. Temporal autocorrelation functions for movement rates from global positioning system radiotelemetry data . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365 (1550): DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0080.
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Ciuti, S., J. M. Northrup, T. B. Muhly, S. Simi, M. Musiani, J. A. Pitt, and M. S. Boyce. 2012. Effects of Humans on Behaviour of Wildlife Exceed Those of Natural Predators in a Landscape of Fear. PLoS ONE 7(11): e50611.
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Bird, K. L., C. L. Aldridge, J. E. Carpenter, C. A. Paszkowski, M. S. Boyce, and D. W. Coltman. 2012. The secret sex lives of sage-grouse: multiple paternity and intraspecific nest parasitism
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