Grants in Biodiversity
Grants in Biodiversity
The Grants in Biodiversity (GIB) program supports research in biodiversity, conservation biology, ecology, and related social science approaches that ultimately aim to conserve, protect and enhance Alberta's wildlife, fish, and natural habitats:
- increase knowledge of Alberta’s heritage of living resources, specifically the flora, fauna, and habitat.
- promote the development of highly qualified, Alberta-based conservation biologists
- support research and study in Alberta by graduate students
To date, the ACA Grants in Biodiversity has awarded over 5 million research dollars to over 500 graduate students from universities around the world. (Although graduate students do not have to attend universities in Alberta, their thesis research must be Alberta-based) Most recipients go on to careers in environmental and conservation biology. Many recipients remain in Alberta after completing their degree programs.
Applicant Info Recipient InfoFor more information or if you experience technical difficulties downloading forms, please contact:
Tracy Stewart, Grants Coordinator
Alberta Conservation Association
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 780-445-9145 (Please leave a detailed message)