Alberta Wildlife Status Reports
In 1997, the Government of Alberta (GoA) began producing Alberta Wildlife Status Reports for wild species believed to be declining in Alberta. Between 1998 and 2020, ACA and the GoA co-produced this ongoing report series. These reports are the essential first step for a species to have its status assessed, and they play a key role in identifying Endangered and Threatened species that need legal protection and recovery actions to keep them from becoming extinct in Alberta. Each status report summarizes the information needed for assessing a species’ status—where it lives, the specific habitat it requires, its population size and whether it is stable/increasing/declining, factors preventing the species from thriving in Alberta, and what work has been done or is ongoing to manage the species in Alberta. A committee of Alberta-based scientists compares the information in each status report to internationally set thresholds (e.g., for population size) and recommends a status for the species. Using international criteria and thresholds ensures the status assessment process is as unbiased as possible. The status recommended by the scientists is subsequently scrutinized by an Alberta-based multi-stakeholder committee (the Endangered Species Conservation Committee [ESCC]). Composed of land managers, academic institutions, conservation groups, and industry, the committee provides its recommendation on a species’ status to the GoA. The ultimate decision on status designation (e.g., Endangered, Threatened) is made by the GoA. ACA continues to play a role in assessing the status of Alberta’s species at risk through ongoing data collection for many species, as well as our representation on the ESCC.
Bird Reports
Status of Barred Owl in Alberta 2005
Status of Bay-breasted Warbler in Alberta 2001
Status of Black-throated Green Warbler in Alberta 1999
Status of Brown Creeper in Alberta 2003
Status of Burrowing Owl in Alberta 2005
Status of the Canada Warbler in Alberta 2022
Status of Cape May Warbler in Alberta 2001
Status of Chestnut-collared Longspur in Alberta 2015
Status of Ferruginous Hawk in Alberta 2006
Status of Harlequin Duck in Alberta 2001
Status of Loggerhead Shrike in Alberta 1999
Status of Long-billed Curlew in Alberta 1998
Status of Mountain Plover in Alberta 2003
Status of Northern Pygmy Owl in Alberta 1999
Status of Peregrine Falcon in Alberta 1997
Status of Piping Plover in Alberta 1997
Status of Prairie Falcon in Alberta 2018
Status of Sage Grouse in Alberta 1998
Status of Sage Thrasher in Alberta 2004
Status of Short-eared Owl in Alberta 2000
Status of Sprague's Pipit in Alberta 1997
Status Thick Billed Longspur In Alberta 2023
Status of Trumpeter Swan in Alberta 2013
Status of Western Grebe in Alberta 2012
Status of White-winged Scoter in Alberta 2002
Status of Whooping Crane in Alberta 2001
Status of Willow Flycatcher in Alberta 2001
Mammal Reports
Status of American Badger in Alberta 2002
Status of American Bison in Alberta 2017
Status of Grizzly Bear in Alberta 2010
Status of Northern Myotis in Alberta 2009
Status of Ords Kangaroo Rat in Alberta 1997
Status of Red-tailed Chipmunk in Alberta 1999
Status of Swift Fox in Alberta 1997
Status of Western Small-footed Bat in Alberta 2008
Status of Wolverine in Alberta 1997
Status of Woodland Caribou in Alberta 2010
Plant and Invertebrate Reports
Status of Banff Springs Snail in Alberta 2002
Status of Hare-footed Locoweed in Alberta 2012
Status of Limber Pine in Alberta 2007
Status of Porsild's Bryum in Alberta 2006
Status of Slender Mouse-ear-cress in Alberta 2009
Status of Small-flowered Sand Verbena in Alberta 2003
Status of Soapweed (Yucca) in Alberta 2001
Status of Tiny Cryptanthe in Alberta 2004
Status of Verna's Flower Moth in Alberta 2008
Status of Weidemeyer's Admiral in Alberta 2005
Status of Western Blue Flag in Alberta 2005
Status of Western Spiderwort in Alberta 2001
Status of Whitebark Pine in Alberta 2007
Status of Yucca Moth in Alberta 2002
Reptile Amphibian and Fish Reports
Status of Arctic Grayling in Alberta 2015
Status of Athabasca Rainbow Trout in Alberta 2009
Status of Brassy Minnow in Alberta 2014
Status of Bull Trout in Alberta 2009
Status of Canadian Toad in Alberta 1998
Status of Columbia Spotted Frog in Alberta 1998
Status of Great Plains Toad in Alberta 2009
Status of Lake Sturgeon in Alberta 2002
Status of Long-toed Salamander in Alberta 1999
Status of Northern Leopard Frog in Alberta 2003
Status of Plains Hognose Snake in Alberta 1998
Status of Plains Spadefoot in Alberta 1999
Status of Prairie Rattlesnake in Alberta 2012
Status of Pygmy Whitefish in Alberta 2011
Status of Short-horned Lizard in Alberta 2004
Status of Shortjaw Cisco in Alberta 2002
Status of St.Mary Shorthead Sculpin in Alberta 2004
Status of Stonecat in Alberta 2004
Status of Western Silvery Minnow in Alberta 2003
Status of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in Alberta 2006