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Alberta's Spring Goose Hunt

The lesser snow goose and Ross's goose are on the list of huntable waterfowl in Alberta for both spring and fall seasons. Hunters in Alberta can partake in a goose hunt this spring between March 15th and June 15th.

A spring goose hunt in Alberta has been years in the making, and there are a handful reasons why the laws have changed. Here is a quick breakdown of the facts:

  • Since the 1970's, the mid-continent white goose population has exploded, estimated at an increase of 1,200%.
  • The massive population of geese are causing damage to human agriculture and their own habitat, particularly their arctic breeding grounds.
  • There was concern that hunters will misidentify snow geese for whooping cranes or pelicans, but there hasn't been a single documented case of a hunter-shot crane or pelican in Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (which have had a spring goose hunt for over a decade).
  • Information is expensive and difficult to collect, but hunters act as free civilian scientists. More information about the geese's movements is needed and hunters will be able to provide this data by reporting and submitting recovered bands.

For more information behind the population control measures and the history of North American geese, go to the
Arctic Goose Joint Venture website.

Looking for tips to put goose on your dinner table? Check out Harvest Your Own for articles, tips, tricks, and recipes.

Alberta Game Bird Regulations

Take a look at the Alberta Game Bird Regulations for the details on when, where, and how many snow geese you can hunt.

Where do I start?

Check out for tips, articles, and recipes to make the most of the spring goose season.