Go to Scheerschmidt for your summertime sweets. Seriously—with chokecherries, saskatoons, and raspberries abound, this conservation site is a berry-picker's haven. Its 240 acres are a mix of native woodland and farmland, where you can also watch for moose, deer, and waterfowl.
That's exactly what James Scheerschmidt, the site's namesake, wanted. He was a long-time Stettler area resident who clearly expressed a desire for his land to be conserved and enhanced as wildlife habitat—including in his will a bequest of land and monetary gift to ACA. After his passing in 2016, the title of the property was transferred to ACA and, shortly after, Alberta Fish & Game Association was added to the title to share ownership.
Our joint plan follows Mr. Scheerschmidt's wishes—enhancing the land for wildlife. ACA partnered with Ducks Unlimited Canada to restore 4.5 acres of wetland that had been drained and were being negatively impacted by livestock. Various waterfowl and wetland bird species use the area. We've cleaned up old equipment, re-fenced, and are working with a neighbouring landowner to reseed 27 acres of former cropland to permanent cover (a grass/alfalfa forage mix). We've also created a public parking area, installed signage, and have started controlling weeds. Our plans for the next few years include reseeding the remaining 80 acres of cropland to permanent cover—maximizing the habitat potential to benefit a variety of wildlife species.
For more information on land conservation, please contact:
Darren Dorge
Land Management Program
(403) 562-3292
[email protected]