Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) is a multi-year partner in the MULTISAR Program for the conservation of species at risk. MULTISAR works collaboratively with landholders on enhancing and maintaining wildlife habitat for multiple species at risk.
CNRL funds asisst MULTISAR with completing detailed wildlife and range assessments as well as recommended habitat enhancements.
“CNRL is committed to operating in the grasslands of Alberta in a sound and ecological sustaining manner and views the partnership with MULTISAR as a way to conserve habitat for species-at-risk that are in the area of our operations,” said Lance Schelske, CNRL’s South District Landman.
MULTISAR is a partnership between Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Fish & Wildlife Division and AEP Lands and the Prairie Conservation Forum with funding from the hunters and anglers of Alberta, government and non-government sources.
For more information on the MULTISAR program, please visit our website at: