Summary of 2002 Stream Fish Surveys in Southwest Alberta
Michael Jokinen
The objective of the Blairmore District Co-operative Fisheries Inventory Program (CFIP) is to collect species presence and fish habitat data within southwestern Alberta (C5 management unit). This fisheries data has been entered into a standardized database, the Fisheries Management Information System (FMIS). The FMIS database provides program partners with local watershed data, assisting in future resource management strategies. The 2002/2003, inventory program is a collaborative effort between Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (SRD), Atlas Lumber Ltd., Shell Canada Limited and the Alberta Conservation Association. Program partners will receive an inventory catalogue and an annual report listing detailed information for each site surveyed. During the 2002 field season, ACA staff completed 76 backpack electroshocking inventory surveys and four float shocking inventory surveys. Of the 76 backpack surveys, 69 were appropriate for a detailed fisheries and habitat survey, however, the remaining seven were unsuitable for electroshocking due to a lack of flow. Habitat surveys were not conducted for the float shocking surveys. The CFIP program will continue in the 2003-2004 fiscal year obtaining fisheries information from priority drainages. The ACA has contributed funds towards the 2003-2004 field season with funding confirmation from Atlas Lumber Ltd.