ACA Grants Program
Funded by the province’s hunters and anglers, Alberta Conservation Association's (ACA) grants program annually supports projects that benefit Alberta’s wildlife and fish populations, and the habitat they depend on. As of our 2020/21 grants round, we have received 2,379 grant applications, of which 1,360 projects have been awarded grants. To date, approximately $20.6 million has been granted to conservation-related projects throughout the province.
- ACA Research Grant Allocation List 2022/23
- ACA Conservation, Community, and Education Grant Allocation List 2022/23
- Interim CCEG and RG Report Submission Form 2022/23
- Final CCEG and RG Report Submission Form 2022/23
Application deadlines are listed below:
ACA Conservation, Community, and Education Grants: The application deadline was January 21, 2022 (now closed). Funding Guidelines and Application Forms can be found here.
This grant funds hunter, trapper, and angler retention, recruitment, and/or conservation education in Alberta and non-research related activities that conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and their habitat.
ACA Research Grants: The timeline for accepting applications is now closed. Check back in September 2022 for new funding guidelines and application forms. Previous funding guidelines and application forms can be found here.
This grant funds high quality research projects carried out by professional researchers, which inform the effective management of wildlife and fish populations and habitat in Alberta.
The ACA Grants in Biodiversity: The timeline for accepting applications for the 2022-2024 funding term is now closed. For more information on the ACA Grants in Biodiversity Program, please go to:
This grant is open to graduate students from any university in the world who are studying the flora, fauna or habitats of Alberta. This grant is supported by Syncrude Canada Ltd.
Which grant should I apply for?
The following questions will assist you in determining the appropriate grant to apply for:
- Are you proposing to do conservation-based research in Alberta?
Yes – go to Question 3
No – go to Question 2 - Is your proposal related to hunter, trapper, or angler retention and recruitment and/or conservation education in Alberta? Or does your proposal contain non-research activities that help conserve, protect, and/or enhance fish, wildlife, and/or habitat for all Albertans to enjoy, value, and use?
Yes – apply to ACA Conservation, Community, and Education Grants
No – your proposal might not be eligible; check with the ACA Grants Administrator if you're not sure - Is the applicant a graduate student?
Yes – apply to the ACA Grants in Biodiversity
No – all other qualified applicants apply to the ACA Research Grants
For more information or if you experience technical difficulties in downloading forms, please contact:
Amy MacKinven, Grants Project Administrator
Alberta Conservation Association
E-mail: [email protected]
Toll free: 1-877-722-4323