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2022 Competition Award Recipients

Recipient (Program) Department Institution Supervisor(s) Project Title Grant Publication Fees
Carmen Allen (PhD) Biological Sciences University of Alberta Toby Spribille The rise and fall of jelly fungi: exploring a microecosystem of aspen branches in boreal Alberta 14,700 3,000
Erin Casper (MSc) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UC) University of Calgary Mathieu Pruvot Development of dynamic indicators of resilience in wild rodent Peromyscus maniculatus 15,070 3,000
Jéssica Chaves Cardoso (PhD) Renewable Resources University of Alberta Charles Nock Boreal mixedwood resilience to drought across a gradient in moisture availability 13,570 3,000
Panditha Gunawardana (PhD) Biological Sciences University of Lethbridge Matthew Bogard Defining the hotspots and controls of harmful algal bloom growth and toxicity in Upper Little Bow River network 15,690 2,500
Taylor Hart (MSc) Biological Sciences University of Alberta Erin Bayne A critical evaluation of Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens) response to human disturbance in space and time 14,450 1,000
Tanisha Henry (MSc) Biological Sciences University of Calgary Kathreen Ruckstuhl Is there an association between male Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) horn morphology and their reproductive success? 11,670 2,000
Liam Horne (MSc) Biological Sciences University of Alberta Stan Boutin Using “bear’s-eye view” video data to estimate black bear (Ursus americanus) kill rates of boreal caribou calves (Rangifer tarandus caribou) and the resulting effect on caribou population dynamics 4,160 0
Chantelle Klaczek (MSc) Biological Sciences University of Alberta Greg Goss & Chris Glover Assessing the effects of coal mine effluent contaminants on native fish and invertebrate species of the North Saskatchewan River Watershed, Alberta, Canada 11,450 2,700
Natalie LaForest (MSc) Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences University of Alberta Boyd Mori Identifying weed seed predation by ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in central Alberta agroecosystems 5,670 2,000
Connor Meyer (PhD) Wildlife Biology Program University of Montana Mark Hebblewhite Using remote cameras to estimate wolf density and predation risk in Western Alberta 16,770 1,800
Olivia Meyers (MSc) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UC) University of Calgary Mathieu Pruvot Giant liver fluke spatio-temporal distribution in Elk Island National Park 15,580 3,000
Tobyn Neame (MSc) Biological Sciences University of Calgary Paul Galpern Determining the effects of herbicide application on feeding guilds of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) for conservation biological control in Alberta 6,840 3,000
Rosanise Odell (MSc) Renewable Resources University of Alberta Charles Nock Assessment of tree mortality in forest island remnants and reference stands following wildfire and forest harvest using dendrochronological methods 6,750 3,000
Olivia Rahn (MSc) Biology McGill University Anna Hargreaves Does habitat availability decline towards the range edge of Rhinanthus minor? 12,300 3,000
Aldo Rios Martinez (PhD) Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences University of Alberta Boyd Mori Characterization of the arthropod community and ground beetle diet in canola agroecosystems in central Alberta 11,330 2,000
`       Totals $176,000 $35,000