Town of Taber 

The Town of Taber works collaboratively with ACA to create fishing opportunities for families and youth at Taber Trout Pond. The town contributes to the purchase of trout for the pond and maintains the site, including a nearby campground.

The Town is also a proud host of Taber Kids Can Catch, an annual event that invites people of all ages to the pond to give fishing a try. 

Since 2011, the Town of Taber has supported and collaborated with ACA and many other partners for the Taber Pheasant Festival. This annual week-long event brings about 800 people to Taber and area for pheasant hunting as well as related culinary experiences and conservation education. This festival helps introduce youth and novices to pheasant hunting as well as demonstrating the strong social, economic, and conservation connections between hunters, landowners, wildlife, and habitat.

Find out more about the Town of Taber and Taber Trout Pond at