Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Upland Game Bird Forecast Annual Survey?
To learn more about ACA’s Upland Game Bird Productivity Survey, check out the 2020-2021 Annual Project Summary Report.

When can I complete the survey?
Surveys can be completed anytime between July 15 and September 20.

Where can I complete the survey?
Surveys can be completed anywhere in Alberta where there is high-quality habitat (places that you would normally go to hunt upland game birds).

How do I complete the survey?
We will provide you with survey sheets and a set of instructions on how to complete the survey.

How is the information I provided used?
The data that is collected will be compiled to help create the upland game bird fall forecast that is published on the ACA website every year (

To keep your favourite hunting area confidential, we will not ask for exact survey locations; we only ask for the WMU where the survey took place.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Daniel Knop by phone (780-935-5667) or email ([email protected]). Thank you, and good luck out there this year!
